Q5. The Pitt’s India Act (1784) laid the foundation for
British administration in India?
Ans.- The Pitt’s India Act transferred the control of Indian
territories in the hand British Government and the Governor general had become
the head of the Indian areas including Bombay and Madras. The six members
committee was made in Britain to monitor the affairs of Indian territories.
this act East India Company lost the control over the India administration but
the monopoly in trade was maintained by them.
Q6. What were the major features of the Indian Civil
Ans.- The Civil Services in India was founded by the
governor general Lord Cornwallis. He separated the executive from the
Trained capable and honest
persons had been appointed at the post of collector, paid them high salaries to
prevent corruption.
The duty of the collector was to
maintain law and order in the society and monitor collection of revenue from
the districts.
Their selection was done through
competitive examination in which Indians were allowed to apply for lower ranks.
Higher ranks had been reserved for British Candidates only.
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