Monday, August 26, 2019

Class7 His Ch4

Answer in brief

Q1. Name the rulers who invited Babur to India to defeat Ibrahim Lodi.

Ans. Babur was invited by Maharana Sangram Singh(Rana Sanga), the king of Mewar and Daulat Khan Lodi, the governor of Punjab to defeat Ibrahim Lodi.

Q2. Why did Humayun have to flee from his kingdom? Did he return?

Ans. Humayun was defeated by Sher Khan in 1539 CE in battle of Chausa and in 1540 CE in the battle of Kannauj. He lost control over his kingdom and fled to Sind.
                He returned in 1555 CE and reestablished his control over the kingdom.

Q3. Who Were the participants in the Second Battle of Panipat? What was the result of the battle?

Ans. In the Second battle of Panipat in 1556 CE Akbar and Bairam Khan fought with Hemu the army general of Adil Shah.
                In this battle Hemu was defeated by Akbar.

Q4. Write a short note on the Din-i-Ilahi.

Ans. Din-i-Ilahi was a religion started by Akbar which was based on the teachings of major religions. In it he stressed on the belief in one god. But this new faith was not accepted by the orthodox muslims.

Q5. Name the 'Navaratnas' in Akbar's Court.

Ans. Navaratnas of Akbar's Court were-
                Mian Tansen
                Abul Fazal
                Todar Mal
                Man Singh
                Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khana
                Mulla do-piyaza

Q6. Name the British visitors sent by King Jems I to the court of Jahangir.

Ans. Captain William Hawkins in 1608 CE and Sir Thomas Roe in 1614 CE was sent by King Jems 1 in the court of Jahangir.

Q7. What is mansabdari system?

Ans. Mansabdari system was the system of administration followed by Akbar, in which offices were arranged in a hierarchy. Officers of different were given jagir or piece of land according to their rank or zat. Jagir or Piece of land given to them was the source of earning to them instead of paying salary to them.

Q8. Which act of Aurangzeb antagonised the Sikhs?

Ans. Execution of 9th Guru, Guru Teg Bahadur was done by Aurangzeb which lead to the conflict between Sikhs and Aurangzeb.

Answer in Detail.

Q1. Describe the personal qualities of Babur.

Ans. Babur was a great army chief who first combined artillery and cavalry to win the battles and established Mughal Empire in India.
                He was also a great Scholar and poet. He had written autobiography called Baburnama.

Q2. Give a shor sketch of Akbar's conquest.

Ans. In 1556 CE when Akbar become the emperor, he has to fight with the Hemu to protect his kingdom in 2nd battle of Panipat. After that he further extended his kingdom from Afghanistan to Bengal and from Kashmir to Deccan.
                He developed a strong administrative system and for the stability in kingdom he established good relationship with Rajputs and Sikhs. he followed the policy of religious tolerance to develop harmony in the society.

Q3. Write a note on the reforms and welfare activities carried out by Sher Shah.

Ans. Sher Shah did various types of reforms and welfare activities during his rule. Some of them are as follows-
                - He build the Grand Trunk Road from Bengal to Peshwar
                - Developed Carvanserais for the travellers
                - Issued coins of Copper called dam, Silver coins called rupiya and Gold coins called Mohar.

Q4. Why is Akbar known as Akbar the Great? Explain in details.

Ans. Akabr is known as Akbar the Great because of policy of religious tolerance and for giving patronage to the scholars, Artists and musicians which were called the nine jems of his court.
                He established a strong empire with harmony and peace between different social groups. He had also removed the Jaziya tax which was imposed upon non-Muslims.  During his rule there was stability and development in the Kingdom.

Q5. In what ways did Europeans interact with the rulers of the Mughal Empire? Describe the influence of the British in Jahangir's court.

Ans. Europeans first interacted with the rulers of Mughal Empire to establish trade relation. They have reached India through Sea ways.
                From Britain Captain William Hawkins visited The court of Mughal emperor Jahangir  for requesting permission of trade in 1608. He communicated with Jahangir in Turki and earned his goodwill, later he had been appointed as mansabdar in the court of Jahangir.
                In 1614 CE British Ambassador Sir Thomas Roe was sent by the King Jems 1 in the court of Jahangir, where he stayed till 1618 CE and singed a formal treaty by which he received liberal trade concessions. Britishers also got permission to setup factory at Surat.

Q6. Explain how Aurangzeb's Rajput, Deccan and Sikh policies lead to the decline of the Mughal Empire.

Ans. Aurangzeb was not  a tolerant ruler, he had again imposed Jaziya tax over non-muslims. Due to his religious policies hindu leaders stopped supporting him.
                Aurangzeb tried to annex the Kingdom of Rajputs, Due to which he lost their loyalty and support.
                During the extension of his kingdom into deccan he confronted with Marathas. Under the leadership of Shiva Ji marathas power was growing day by day. He was not able to defeat Marathas completely and suffered heavy loss in battle with them.
                Aurangzeb executed ninth Guru of Sikh, Guru Teg Bahadur, which lead to the development of army of brotherhood by Guru Gobind Singh to fight against Mughals.

                These acts weaken mughal empire and after his death mughal empire started to decline.