Monday, August 5, 2019

Class6 His ch2

Short answer type questions:-
Q1. In the early ages of development human learn to use stones as tools for various works like- Hunting, digging etc., Due to use of stones the period is known as stone age.
Q2- The three division of the stone age are:-
o    Paleolithic Age
o    Mesolithic Age
o    Neolithic Age
Q3- Archaeological evidences like stone tools, clay pots etc, are the sources of information of this period.
Q4- Old stone age people had to move from place to place in search of food and shelter.
Q5- The change in climate occurred around 9000 BCE and the climate become warmer and drier which improved the biodiversity and due to increase in variety of plants and animals, now it was easier to hunt and gather food. 

Answer in details:-
Q1.- The period in which humans were using stone to make their tools and weapons for hunting animals and digging soil is called stone age.
About this period all the information are available with the help of Archaeological resources, like- weapons and tools of stone, Bones, tools of bones,  etc.

Q2.- Paleolithic Age was the first phase of stone age in which humans were using raw stones as their weapons. These weapons were large in size and less efficient than tools of other ages. Some tools were also made by chipping process of making stone flakes, these flakes were with flat sharp edge, such tools were used as hand Axe, hammer and chopper.
Q3- In Mesolithic period humans were spending life of hunters and gatherers. They have also learned to tame animals and grow crops. They learn to grow barley and wheat. In this period humans have explored new ways to get food.
Q4- Cave paintings are made by humans during Paleolithic and Mesolithic age in the caves, which was used them as shelter. With the help of cave paintings events of their life have been painted on the walls of cave. In Bhembetka more than 450 cave with paintings have been discovered which provide information about their life.
Q5- Microliths were small stone tools developed in the Mesolithic period. These tools were small and light weight, due to which could be handled easily compare to the tools of old stone age.
Microliths had sharp edges and its size were less than 3 inch.
Q6- a) Fire:- When humans learn to control fire, it was used for :-
·         Protecting from wild animals
·         cooking food
·         for light
Cooked food was softer, tastier and easy to eat.
b) The Wheels:- Wheels were very important discovery of the humans. Development of wheels made transportation easier and lead to the development of civilisation.
c) Agriculture:- With Agriculture human learn to grow their food at one place which lead to the development of human settlements because of the availability of the food.
d) The use of Metal:- with the use of metals tools and weapons were strong and more efficient than stone tools, which made their life easier.
Q7- The Hunsgi and Baichbal Valley in Karnataka was having favorable condition for the development of human settlements.
       Springs were available as perennial source of water, Lime stone was available for making stone tools and the valley was with wide variety of plants and animals for food.