Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Class6 His ch5

Answer in Brief.

Q1. Where are the Aryans believed to have originated from?

Ans. The Aryans were believed to be originated in the areas surrounding the Caspian sea in southern Russia.

Q2. Name the two types of pottery associated with the Vedic People.

Ans. The two pottery associated with the Vedic people are handmade and wheel made pottery.

Q3. What was the impact of tools made of iron on agriculture?

Ans. Iron tools were strong, durable and more efficient than the copper and bronze tools. It was easy to clear forest with iron tools which increased agricultural land. With efficient tools agricultural production also increased.

Q4. Name the various religious books of the Vedic people.

Ans. In Vedic Period many religious books had been written, which are as follows-
                - The Rig Veda, The Yajur Veda, The Sama Veda and The Atharva Veda
                - The Brahamanas, The Aryanyaks, The Upnishad and The Puranas
                - Epics of The Ramayana and The Mahabharata

Q5. Distinguish between microlith and megalith.

Ans.       Microlith-
                a) Small objects of stone.
                b) Made by chipping method
                a) Large objects of stone
                b) Made by the use of strong Iron tools to cut the stones.

Long Answer Type:-

Q1. Describe the government system of the aryans.

Ans. Democratic government system was used by Aryans as the chief of the tribe was chosen by the people of tribe, who was called 'Rajan'. His commander of army was called Senani and priest were called Purohit.
                The two assemblies 'Sabha' and 'Samiti' were there to help Rajan. The most qualified member of the tribe was selected as Rajan. Rajan was receiving gifts but no regular tax system was in practice.

Q2. Explain the pyramid-like social system of the Aryans. How did it change over time?

Ans. Initially the Aryan society was classified into four varnas. These varnas were on the basis of their occupation as The Brahmins were the priest, The Kshatriyas were the ruler and worriors, The Vaishyas were the traders and The Sudras were serving other three groups. Initially it was interchangeable but by the time it has become hereditary and turned into the pyramid like social system. The Brahmins were on the top of it, on Second Rank Kshatriyas were there, The Vaishayas were third powerful class of the society and at the bottom level the Sudras had been placed.

Q3. Describe the nature of economy of Vedic society.

Ans. The Economy of Vedic society was based on agriculture. Potter, weaver, carpenter, etc. were also there in society.
                Trade was also done through land and sea with other parts of world. For trade barter system was practiced, so the whole economy was based upon exchange of goods.

Q4. Give a sketch of the life of the Chalcolithic people of Inamgaon.

Ans. The life of the Chalcolithic people of Inamgaon were mostly dependant on agriculture. They were producing barley, wheat, peas, gram and wheat. They have domesticated cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and pigs. They were also hunting animals.
                Walls of their houses were made of mud and branches of trees and roofs were thatched with grass.
                They were making pottery by wheel and baked them. They were burying dead with clay pots containing food and water they were worshipping gods and goddesses.

Q5. Give an account of the megalithic settlements of South India.

Ans. Megalithic settlements of South India is of 1000 BCE.
                In These settlements different types of graves which are cut into rocks and covered with flat stone. These megaliths were cut by the use of iron tools. These were graves containing bones of many animals like- cow, dog, sheep, horse, pig, bird, etc. and many pots have also been found from these graves.
                These things were kept with the dead in the megalith graves.


  1. Sir you helped a lot 🙏..thank you..sir can I ask more questions to you sir..as I have doubt

  2. Thanks very usefull i wnat answer this question

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