Sunday, August 25, 2019

class6 civics ch4

Q1. What are the key elements of democracy?

Ans. The key element of democracy are:-
                - Participation
                - Accountability
                - Conflict Resolution
                - Concern for equality and justice

Q2. Explain the meaning of participation.

Ans. Participation means 'taking part'. It is necessary that the people must take part in democracy actively. The people have power to influence the decision making process of government as well as to form the government by giving their vote.

Q3. Explain the term 'accountability'.

Ans. Accountability refers to 'being responsible'. According to this the representatives must understand their responsibilities and work for the development of society. Similarly police and judiciary are responsible to maintain justice in the society and punish them who brakes the law.

Q4. What is meant by conflict resolution?

Ans. Conflict resolution is the act of maintaining harmony by removing all types of differences and treating everyone equally.
                Conflict resolution is the responsibility of Judiciary and Police.

Q5. What are the steps taken by the government for the welfare of the people treated as untouchables?

Ans. Steps taken by government for the welfare of the untouchables are as follows:-
                - Seats are reserved for them in government institutions and in parliament   to give equal opportunity to them.
                - Constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or Colour.

Q6. Describe how democracies ensure equality and justice for all.

Ans. Democracies ensure equality and justice to all by-
                - Giving equal rights to all the citizens
                - Everyone in the democracy considered equal before the law
                - Prohibits discrimination in all the forms

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