Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Class 6 History chapter 6 Ratna Sagar

 Short Answer type Questions:-

Q1. What are the sources that tell us about the early kingdoms?

Ans. The vedic texts, such as the Brahmanas and the Upnishads and Buddhist texts, such as the Jataks Tales are the sources which tells us about the early kingdoms.

Q2. Write short note on monarchical mahajanapadas.

Ans. Some mahajanapadas had monarchy, these were ruled by the king and position of king was hereditary, so the king was succeeded by his son. 

Q3. Beside agriculture, what were the other sources of revenue?

Ans. Beside agriculture tax was also collected from craftsmen, such as carpenters, potters and weavers, tax was also taken on buying and selling of goods.

Q4. How did towns emerge? Name some important town of this period.

Ans. Growth in trade and craft developed villages into town. Ujjayini, Vaishali, Ayodhya and champa were some important town of this period.

Long Answer type Questions:- 

Q1. How did the small tribes of earlier period give way to large kingdoms?

Ans. After vedic age the small tribes know as jana have grown by the use of better tools and weapons made of iron, which helped them in expansion of their agricultural land by clearing the forest. The strength of their rulers increased due to increase in tax collection from agriculture and craft. These powerful tribes were called janapadas, which later grew and become more powerful, these large kingdoms were called Mahajanapadas.

Q2. What changes in agriculture helped farmers to produce more?

Ans. There were two important changes in agriculture which helped farmers, those changes are as follows-

    - Use of Iron plough at the place of wooden plough. Iron plough was efficient than wooden plough.

    - The process of transplantation of paddy was developed and used which lead to the growth of agricultural produce.

Q3. Which factors led to an increase in trade during this period?

Ans. Various factors led to an increase in trade during this period, which are as follows:-

        - Introduction of money, which made trade easier.

        - Rulers, like- Bimbisara, the king of magadh had connected different areas of his kingdom through roads. better connectivity between areas boost trade.

Q4. Name the four varnas. What tasks did each perform?

Ans. The four varnas were- Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

        - Brahmanas were worshiping god and conducting religious rituals.

        - Kshatriyas were fighting to protect their clan.

        - Vaishyas were involved in trade and agriculture.

        - Shudras were serving the other three groups.