Friday, September 25, 2020

Class 6 Geography Chapter 5 Ratna Sagar

 Short Answer type Questions:-

Q1. Name the continents in increasing order of their size.

Ans. Names of the continents in increasing order of their size are as follows:-

                Australia, Europe, Antarctica, South America, North America, Africa, Asia.

Q2. Name the oceans in increasing order of their size.

Ans. Names of the oceans in increasing order of their size are as follows:-

                Arctic ocean, Indian ocean, Atlantic ocean, Pacific ocean.

Q3. What is the composition of the atmosphere?

Ans.  Clean dry are contains 78% of Nitrogen, 21% of Oxygen and 1% other gases, like- Caron dioxide, neon, ozone, hydrogen, etc.

                Water vapour, dust particles, smoke, salt, etc. are also present in air.

Q4. Name the different layers of the atmosphere.

Ans. Different layers of atmosphere are as follows:-

-          Troposphere

-          Stratosphere

-          Mesosphere

-          Thermosphere

-          Exosphere

Q5. What are the main elements of the biosphere?

Ans. Plants, animals, human beings and microbes are some important components of biosphere, which are interdependent on one another.

Long Answer type questions:-

Q1. Write about at least one important physical feature of each continent.

Ans.  Important physical feature of each continent are as follows-

-          Asia- Himalaya is the highest mountains and the Tibet is the highest plateau of the world is found here.

-          Africa-  it has Vast desert like- Sahara and Great Rift valley.

-          North America-  Western costal area contain high mountains and plateaus, which is the part of ring of fire of pacific ocean.

-          South America- Andes mountains spreading through the west coast from Caribbean sea in the north to Cape Horn in the south.

-          Antarctica- this continent is always covered under thick layer of ice, so it is also called White continent.

-          Europe- This continent has alpine system which is a chain of high mountains extending from the Atlantic ocean in the west to the Caspian sea in the east.

-          Australia- The Great barrier reef is a found here along the north eastern coast, which is built by corals.

Q2. What is the importance of oceans for human beings?

Ans. The importance of oceans for human beings is as follows:-

-          It is the main source of moisture in atmosphere.

-          It also regulates the atmospheric temperature.

-          It is the source of various kinds of minerals and chemicals.

-           It is also the main source of fish and other marine life.

-          It provides free and permanent route for travel and trade.

-          Tidal energy is used to generate electricity.

-          Common salt is obtained from the ocean.

-          Shortage of drinking water can be solved by treating ocean water.

Q3. What is the importance of the atmosphere?

Ans.  Importance of the atmosphere is as follows:-

-          It prevents sun’s radiation and ultraviolet rays from reaching to earth surface.

-          It acts like a greenhouse and keeps earth surface warm and prevent the extremes of temperature during day and night.

-          Atmospheric pressure depends upon the temperature and pressure difference between two places cause wind, movement of wind helps in condensation of moisture and precipitation.

-          Weather changes are result of presence of atmosphere around the earth surface.

-          Sound waves are transmitted due to presence of air.

Q4. How are human beings disturbing the delicate balance of nature?

Ans.  Human beings are completely dependent on nature for fulfilling all their needs. Excessive use of natural resources cause pollution in the environment, such as-

-          Burning of fossil fuel cause environmental pollution and causing acidic rain.

-          Deforestation for timber and agricultural land cause global warming, land erosion and destroying wild life.

-          Use of fertilizers and insecticides causing water pollution and disturbing aquatic life.

-           Hunting of animals and cutting of forest has made many species extinct and many are endangered.

-          Waste material produced by the humans dumped over the land and causing degradation of land.