Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Class 6 History Chapter 5 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer type Questions:-

Q1. What are the Vedas? What do they contain?

Ans. The Vedas are ancient text related to vedic society. They contains hymns in praise of various god and godesses.

Q2. What is the difference between sabha and samiti?

Ans. The Sabha was the assembly of the elders and important people and samity was the assembly of common people of Jana.

Q3. Describe the pottery and stone tools found at Inamgaon.

Ans. The pottery found from Inamgaon was mostly of red color, Some had black design on them.

Q4. What do objects found in the megalithic graves indicate?

Ans. Objects found from the megalithic graves indicate the lifestyle of people, grains produced and tools used for various purpose. Quantity of pots and ornaments found from graves were also indicating their position in tribe.

Long Answer type Questions:-

Q1. What are the archaeological sources for the Vedic Age?

Ans. The archaeological evidences which had been found in excavation of the sites of Vedic period are mostly consist of clay pots of different shapes, sizes and build. 
        In Excavation at Hastinapur and Atranjikhera Painted Grey Ware are found and from the Ganga valley region Black-and-red were have been found. These evidences gave information about the life of the people.

Q2. What were the different occupation of the people?

Ans. During the vedic period people were involved in different type of occupation. The main occupation of this period was Agriculture and Cattle-rearing. Other occupations were Chariot-making, pottery-making, weaving, jewelry-making, metal-work, carpentry, tanning and fishing. The priests who were involved in religious rituals were also playing the role of teacher and doctor

Q3. Write short notes on- the Rig Veda, Megaliths.

Ans. The Rig Veda- The Rig Veda is the oldest veda, it is divided into 10 mandalas and contain about 1028 hymns.  These hymns are in praise of different gods. This was composed about 3500 years ago.

        Megaliths- Megalith refers to a large piece of stone. At many places in Deccan, south India, the north-east and north-west. These large stones were used to mark graves by putting over the graves.