Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Class 6 History Chapter 4 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer Type Questions:-

Q1. What is the Indus Valley Civilization also knows as? Why?

Ans. Indus Valley Civilization was first know as Harrapan Civilization as the first town which was excavated was known as Harappa.

Q2. How do we know that most Indus cities were 'very well planned'?

Ans. We know about various cities of Indus Valley Civilization from the remains for various cities, which shows that buildings, roads, drainage system etc. were build with proper planning.

Q3. How was Dholavira different from most Indus Cities?

Ans. Dholavira was different from most Indus Cities because it was divided into three parts- Citadel, Middle town, lower town, each part was enclosed by a stone wall. 

Q4. What may have happened for the civilization to decline?

Ans. Historians have different view about the decline of civilization, such as- 
    - Change in the course of river Indus brought drought.
    - Earthquakes 
    - Floods
    - Epidemics

Long Answer type Questions:-

Q1. Describe the extent of the Indus Valley Civilization?

Ans. Indus Valley Civilization was extended in different parts of Pakistan and in states of India.
    In India Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat are some states were remains of this civilization have been found.

Q2. Into how many parts were most Indus cities divided? Describe any one part.

Ans. Most of the Indus cities were divided into two parts- Upper Town or Citadel and Lower Town.
            Upper Town was made on high raised platform to protect is from flood of the river, administrative buildings, Granaries and religious structures. The Ruler and ruling class which includes rich merchants and priests were living in this part of the city.

Q3. Write a short note on the Great Bath.

Ans. The Great Bath is found in the upper town of Mohenjo-daro, it is rectangular in shape like a swimming pool. It is made of baked bricks and Bitumen or tar was used to make it watertight. 
Two steps to enter in it were on the each side, changing room were also on the sides. Water was drawn from a well and drained after use.
        The Great Bath was probably used for bathing on spacial occasions. 

Q4. What do you know about the drainage system of the Indus Valley Civilization?

Ans. Important features of Drainage system of Indus valley civilization are:-
            - Every house had Bathroom, which was connected with the drain.
            - Drain were build along the both side of the road.
            - These drain were covered with bricks.
            - Drainage system was cleaned on regular basis time to time.

Q5. What occupations and crafts did the Harappans practice?

Ans. Harappans were practicing many occupations and crafts, such as:-
        - Agriculture   - Cattle rearing
        - weavers           - Potters
        - Jewellers         - Metal- workers
        - Toy-makers     - Stone-cutters
        - Seal-makers    - Boat-makers
        - Masons           - Traders


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