Friday, June 19, 2020

Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer Type Questions:-

Q1. Why do some people make fun of those who are different?

Ans. People make fun of differently able persons because they feel they are superior then them.

Q2. What can prejudice be guided by?

Ans. Prejudice can be guided by the physical and social differences among the people among the people. Such as:-  Skin colour, style of speaking, cloths, etc.

Q3. Who is 'Special Child'?

Ans. Child with disability is called special child because their capacities and needs are different.

Q4. Which part of our Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights?

Ans. Part III of our Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights.

Long answer type questions:-

Q1. What is prejudice?

Ans. When an opinion develops in absence of information, it is called prejudice. People in society can develop prejudice about different religion, caste, gender or individuals.

Q2. What is discrimination?

Ans. When people act according to their prejudice, it is called discrimination, like- restricting untouchables to take water from community well.

Q3. Define the term stereotype.

Ans. Stereotype is the division of society into two halves, like- Male-Female, Rich-Poor, etc.

There is stereotype in society on the basis of gender, like- Boys are stronger than girls, Girls are emotional and boys are strong, Girls cry but boys don’t, Cooking is for girls not for boys, etc.

Q4. Name the categories of people for whom special steps can be taken by the government.

Ans. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Minorities are the categories which require Special steps by the government to uplift their social and economical status, improve their contribution in the society and to include them in the main society.

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