Monday, June 29, 2020

Class 7 History chapter 3 Ratna Sagar

Short answer type questions:-

Q1. Who was Raziya Sultan? Why did the nobles oppose Raziya?

Ans. Raziya Sultan was the daughter of Iltutmish, who become successor of him. Raziya was opposed by the nobles because they were not agree to take orders from a woman.

Q2. Name the two persian customs introduced by Balban. Why were people against these customs?

Ans. Balban introduced the persian customs of sijdah and paibos, people refuse to follow these customs as they felt these customs are reserved for only God.

Q3. What were 'dagh' and 'chehra'? Who introduced them?

Ans.  Dagh was used for branding of good horses to avoid their substitution and  Chehra was the recording of full description of each solder. These two were the part of army reforms done by Ala-ud-din Khalji.

Q4. Write one reason that prompted Muhammad-bin Tughluq to shift the capital to Daulatabad.

Ans. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq decided to shift the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad to avoid the threat of attack of the Mongols.

Q5. Give two reasons to show that the court of the Delhi Sultans was a 'Ceremonial'court.

Ans. The two reasons which shows that the court of the Delhi Sultans was a 'Ceremonial' court are as follows-
- The Customs like 'Sijdah' and 'Paibos' were perform before King.
- The throne of Sultan was on a high raised platform, all the ministers, officials, foreign Ambassadors had been given fixed place in the court. All the proceedings and orders of sultan were recorded by Scribes.

Long Answer type Questions:-

Q1. Explain the importance of literary sources for the sultanate period. Which other sources tell us about this period?

Ans. There are various kind of literary sources available for the sultanate period, which are divided into two groups- Archaeological sources and literary sources. Literary sources are most important in compare to Archaeological sources as it provides detailed information about the different events of the sultanate period.
    Literary sources of sultanate period mostly consist of court chronicles of Zia-ud-din Barani, Shams-i Siraj Afif and Minhaj- us Siraj and travel account of Ibn Batuta, Marco Polo etc.
    Archeological sources like- Coins, inscriptions and monuments are the other sources which also tells us about this period.

Q2. Who succeeded Qutab-ud-din Aibak? Why is that person called the real founder of the Sultanate period?

Ans. Qutab-ud-din Aibak was succeeded by Shams-ud-din Iltutmish, he was called the real founder of sultanate because-
    - he suppressed all the rebellious groups.
    - he also protected north west frontiers from Mongol invasions. 
    - he also expanded empire to different new areas like- Bengal.

Q3. Why did Ala-ud-din Khalji introduce the market control policy? How did he enforced it?

Ans. Ala-ud-din Khalji introduced the market control policy to keep control over the prices of essential commodities like- food grains, Sugar, cooking oil, cloths, etc. and to stop cheating of the traders.
    He enforced it by several methods, like-
    - He fixed the prices of essential commodities.
    - He appointed officials to keep check on the shop owners.
    - Shop owners were punished severely for charging extra or cheating with weights.

Q4. 'Muhammad-bin Tughlaq's schemes were well-conceived but poorly executed'. Discuss this statement with reference to his token currency experiment.

Ans. Muhammad-bin Tughlaq introduced token currency to deal with the shortage of silver, These coins were made up of brass and copper.
    Decision of introduction of token currency was failed in absence of proper planning as craftsmen  started making duplicate coins because of its simple design and later Muhammad-bin Tughlaq have to exchange these duplicate coins with silver coins, due to which his treasury became empty.
    It shows that the schemes of Muhammad-bin Tughlaq schemes were well-conceived but poorly executed.


  1. Thank you so much sir for uploading the question answer of ch3

  2. Thank you sir for giving answer

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sir it has mistake it is not"solder"it's soldier.

  6. Sir thanks a lot for your question answer of chapter 3.....
    Regards priya from 7c.

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  8. Pls send multi choice questions
