Friday, July 17, 2020

Class 7 Civics Chapter 3 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer type:-

Q1. How is Gram Sabha an example of direct democracy? How do people living in cities and towns exercise their political power?
Ans. Gram Sabha is an example of direct democracy because all the adult people of village are part of gram sabha and they directly participate in the decision making of Gram Panchayat.

Q2. Write two conditions when the citizens are unable to enjoy voting rights .
Ans. Two conditions in which citizens are unable to enjoy voting rights are-
        - in condition of unsound mind.
        - if the person is convicted in certain criminal offences.
Q3. Write a note on the election campaign.

Ans. Election campaign is done by the political parties to convince people to give vote to them through door to door campaign, public meetings, wall posters, roadside hoardings, banners etc.
Q4. Why is a political party called a 'voluntary association'?

Ans. A political party called a 'Voluntary Association' because becoming a member of any political party is on the wish of any individual, parties cannot force anyone to join.

Q5. Distinguish between reserved and free symbols.

Ans. Reserved symbols can be used only by the political party to whom it is allocated, where as the free symbols is assigned to political parties or individuals only active during legislative and local elections. 

Long Answer type Questions:-

Q1. Why is a secret ballot an essential feature of democratic elections?

Ans. A Secret ballot an essential feature of democratic election because nobody can know in whose favor vote is given by anyone. People can vote freely to their candidate due to secret ballot.

Q2. Write a note on the officers on election duty.
Ans. Election Commission is led by different officials at different level which are as follows-
        - At Central level - Chief Election Commissioner
        - At State level- Election Commissioner
        - At Constituency level Returning officer
        - At booth level Presiding officer

Q3. Write three functions of a political party.

Ans. Three functions of political parties are as follows- 
            - Selecting Candidates to contest election and conduct campaign for them.
            - form the government after winning the election.
            - develop public opinion and Aware government about it.

Q4. Why are opposition  parties important  for the smooth running of a democracy.

Ans. Opposition parties are important for the smooth running of a democracy because
    - they keep check on the functioning of the government
    - they criticize the policies of the government and highlights problems in their policies and programmes
    -  they politically aware people about the shortcoming of the ruling party and their policies to develop public opinion.

Q5. Under what conditions does a political party get recognized as a national party?
Ans. Condition required by a political party to be recognized as a national party are as follows:-
    - The party should be active in four or more states in last general election of Lok Sabha or the assembly and secure at least six percent of the total valid votes in each state.
    - The party should win at least two percent of the total seats of Lok Sabha from not less than three states.
    - The party should be recognized as state party in at least four states.


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