Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Class 6 History Ch1 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer Type Questions:-

Q1. Why do we need to study the past?

Ans. Study of past events helps us to understand the present through which we can take better decisions in any situation.

Q2. How have the Himalayas helped in shaping the history of India?

Ans. The Himalaya Acts as a natural barrier between India and Central Asia. People were travelling through the passes between mountains and brought new ideas, customs and habit to India influenced our culture.

Q3. How is the work of an archaeologist and a historian similar to that of a detective?

Ans. Archaeologist and Historian both study the remains of Past to find the information about past events, period of events and activities it belongs to, like a detective does with the help of clues.

Q4. What are monuments? What do they tell us?

Ans. The Historical buildings are called monuments. These provides important information related to social, cultural, religious and political life of the period with which it belongs.

Q5. What is religious literature? Give two examples.

Ans. Literature which was associated with any religion was called religious literature, for example- Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, etc.

Long Answer Type Questions:-

Q1. Why did people first settle near river valleys?

Ans. People first settle near river valleys because:-

-          The river provided sufficient water for all their needs.

-          The land near the river was very fertile for growth agriculture. This part was also covered with dense forest.

-          The river served as means of transport.

Q2. What are inscriptions? How do they help us know about ancient India?

Ans. Inscriptions are written records engraved on hard surface, such as- Stone, cave walls, metal pillars, metal plates, walls of buildings, etc.

Important events and achievements got inscribed by rulers, which could be studied even today to know about them.

Q3 How are coins a valuable source of information about ancient India?

Ans.  Coins related to ancient kingdoms give many information, like-

-          Date of important political event

-          Economical Status of the kingdom.

-          Extent of the kingdom.

-          Trade relation with the other kingdoms.

-          Religious and social events and symbols.

Q4. Write a short note on secular literature.

Ans. The Writings which does not belongs to any religion are called Secular literature, which includes stories, poems, plays, biographies of kings, accounts of foreign travellers and books on politics and science, for example- Arthashastra by Kautilya, Indica by  Megasthenes, plays and poems of Kalidasa, travel account of Fa Hien and Hiuen Tsang, etc.