Monday, January 20, 2020

class6 his ch10

Q1.- Silk route was called so because of the trade of Silk done through these routes as main commodity.

Q2- Three commodities of India are spices, ivory, precious stone traded to west.
       Three commodities of China are silk, raw materials, paper traded to west.

Q3- The Sakas, Parthians and Kushanas were the indo-greek rulers, they have come from Iran.

Q4- Buddhacharita and saundranandakavya were the two written work of Asvagosha.

Q5- Gondophernes is the most renowned Parthian King. Saint Thomas the Apostle is believed to have come to india during his reign.

Q6- Faxian was the Chinese pilgrim who visited India during the 5th century CE in search of complete copies of the Vinay Pitaka.

Answer in Details

Q1- The different ways in which distant lands can interact are as follows-
                 Through Trade- Traders were doing trade with other civilisation of the world.
                Through Migration- Many people migrated to other civilisation and carry their culture and tradition.
                Through Religion- Many monk and saints were travelling to other places to spread their religion.
                Through Conquest- Powerful rulers were expanding their kingdom by conquering the land of other kingdoms which brought people of different places in contact with each other.

Q2- The South Indian Kingdoms had trade relation with Roman Kingdom and the South east asian countries trade was done through the port cities of south India. Spices, cotton, precious stones etc. were major commodities of trade from India in exchange of wine, ceramics, glass, copper, tin, etc.

Q3- Silk route in India was connecting North India with South India, these routes were mostly used for silk trade along with other commodities.
                The Trade had Impact on other aspects of the society, like- religion and science, as it brought the people of other civilisation in contact with Indian civilisation and the exchange of religious and scientific thoughts and ideas took place among them.

Q4- There were many conquerors who captured north western part of India after 200 BCE, because of the decline of Mauryan empire, these dynasties are as follows-
                The Indo-greek ruler Menander or Milind conquered the areas upto Patliputra.
                The Saka ruler Rudradaman and others had also ruled over the north-western India.
The Parthians conquered some part of north western India in 1st century.

Q5- Kanishka was a great Kushana king who followed Buddhist. In the 4th bodh summit the Buddhism was divided into two parts Hinayana and Mahayana.
                During his rule through silk route buddhism reached to china and emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty first taken interest in Buddhism.
                Kanishka helped the buddhist center of learning  and the scholors spreaded buddhism through trade routes to central asia and china.

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