Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Class7 his ch8

Q1- Why did the Bhakti movement become popular by the 7th century CE?

Ans- Bhakti movement become popular by the 7th century CE due to following reason-
                -Bhakti saints preached equality and they were against caste system of hindu society.
                - Bhakti saints denied the importance of sanskrit and brahmanas. They said that anyone can do the worship of god in his own language by himself.
                Due to these reason Bhakti movement got support of lower section of the hindu society and become popular.

Q2- What were the basic principles which all the bhakti saints emphasised?

Ans- Basic principles of bhakti saints were as follows-
                - God is one but worshiped with different names
                - all the human beings are equal to god. God is inside every person
                - They opposed rituals and superstitions
                - we can pray to god in any language
                - Anyone can worship god by himself without the help of priest in his own way.

Q3- Who were the Alvar and the Nayanars? Describe their contribution to the bhakti movement?

Ans- Alvar were the worshiper of Lord Vishnu and Nayanars Were worshiping Lord Shiva.
                They brought the idea of love, devotion and service to personal god.
                They also preached the equality in hindusim and said that anyone can worship the god.

Q4- What were the Basic teachings of Guru Nanak? Name the religion based on his teachings.

Ans- Guru Nanak believed in one god and advice three practices-
                Naam Japo- Chant the name of god.
                Kirat Karo- Earn and honest livelihood
                Vand Chakko- Share with others.
He preached equality and told to avoid superstition.
Guru Nanak was the first guru of Sikh religion.

Q5- Give a brief account of the life and teaching of Kabir.

Ans- Kabir was believed to be born between 1398 to 1440 in hindu family, but brought up by muslim waver and his wife. He had studied teaching of hindu literature as well as Quran. He was influenced by the thought of saint Ramanand and become his devotee.
                He had expressed his ideas and belief in the form of doha, according to which he was believing in one supreme god , who is everywhere and inside everything. He said that to show the love towards god we must love all the creation of gods.

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