Friday, January 1, 2021

Class 6 His Ch 8 Ratna Sagar

 Short Answer type Questions:-

Q1. What do the Indika and the Arthashastra tell us about the Mauryas?

Ans.-In Indika Megasthenese has written about the political, social and economic condition of the Maurya's empire.

    The Arthashastra gives us idea about the administration of the Mauryas.

Q2. When was the Kalinga War fought? Why did Ashoka attack Kalinga?

Ans. The Kalinga War was fought in year 261 BCE. Ashoka wanted to gain control the land and sea routes to South India and South East Asia, which was in control of Kalinga.

Q3. What was Dhamma?

Ans. The Dhamma was a code of conduct and morals created with the intention of maintain peace and harmony in the society.

Q4. What do you know about the central administration of the Mauryas?

Ans. Mauryan Kingdom was divided into four divisions for the ease of administration, which are central, provincial, district, village.

    The capital city of Patliputra had its own separate administration.

Long Answer type Questions:-

Q1. Why was the Kalinga War a turning point in the life of Ashoka?

Ans. The Kalinga was became a turning point in the life of Ashoka as after the war when he saw the death, destruction and suffering, he realised the futility of fighting war and vowed not to fight any war again. He had devoted rest of his life to serve the people.

Q2. What were the welfare measures adopted by Ashoka?

Ans. The Ashoka adopted many welfare measures, which are as follows:-

    - build hospitals for people and animals.

    - build roads, planted trees along the both side of the roads, constructed rest houses for travelers. 

Q3. Write any two steps taken by Ashoka to spread Dhamma.

Ans. The two steps taken by Ashoka to spread Dhamma are as follows:-

 - Ashoka issued edicts which contained the principles of Dhamma. His 14 rock edicts and seven pillar edicts, which contained information about the reforms and the moral principles written in Brahmi script. These rock edicts were in different parts of his empire.

- Ashoka appointed dharma mahamatras to spread dhamma. These officers went from place to place and spread the message of dhamma among the people.

Q4. Write short notes on- Administration of Pataliputra, Sources of revenue.

Ans. Administration of Pataliputra- Pataliputra was fortified with wooden wall, which had 64 gates and 570 towers.

    A committee of 30 members looked after the administration of the city. This committee was divided into six boards, each comprising of five members. Each board looked after a specific department, such as:-

    - comfort and security of foreigners

    - registration of births and deaths

    - industry

    - trade and commerce

    - inspection of manufactured goods

    - collection of taxes