Friday, January 1, 2021

Class 6 His Ch 7 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer Type Questions

 Q1. What were the four Sights that Prince Siddhartha is believed to have seen?

Ans. The four sights that Prince Siddhartha had seen were:-

        - A very old person

        - A sick man 

        - A dead body

        - An Ascetic, which was appeared un affected by the Pain, Sorrow and misery.

Q2. What are the four noble truths preached by the Buddha?

Ans. The four noble truths preached by the Buddha were:-

        - The world is full of Suffering.

        - The main cause of suffering is desire.

        - One must get rid of desire to end suffering.

        - To end desire and hence suffering, one must follow the eight-fold path.

Q3. What did Mahavira say about the caste system?

Ans. Mahavira did not believe in cast system. He said that an individual has taken birth in particular cast according to their good and bad deeds of his previous birth.

Q4. What are the Upanishads? What do they give importance to?

Ans. Upanishads were the book written by different thinkers who were trying to find the true meaning of life. In Upanishads they gave importance to worship of one god.

Long Answer Type Questions:-

Q1. What were the main teachings of the Buddha?

Ans. The main teachings of the Buddha consists of four noble truths an the eight-fold path.

The four noble truths were-

  - The world is full of Suffering.

  - The main cause of suffering is desire.

  - One must get rid of desire to end suffering.

  - To end desire and hence suffering, one must follow the eight-fold path.

The Eight-fold path 

    - Right thought

    - Right belief

    - Right speech

    - Right action

    - Right means of livelihood

    - Right effort

    - Right memory

    - Right meditation

Q2. What were the main teachings of Mahavira?

Ans. The Mahavira believed in leading simple life. He was against religious rituals and sacrifices. He was in favor of non- injury and considered unconscious killing of any insect as a sin.

    He said that the goal of life is to set soul free from the cycle of birth and death which could be achieved through the tri-ratnas of the tri-ratnas or the three jewels of life, which are as follows-

- Right Belief

- Right Knowledge

- Right Action.

Q3. Why did Buddhism and Jainism become popular?

Ans. The reason behind the popularity of Buddhism and Jainism are as follows:-

    - They were easy to practice

    - The language of preaching of both was of common people, which could be understood by them easily.

    - Both did not had belief in cast system, Social equality attracted the lower castes people.

Q4. What do the Upanishads contain?

Ans. The Upanishads contained the thinking of many religious teachers and saints. These mostly contained contents related to -

- Ideal human conduct

- Creation of the world

- Creation of man

- The practice of yoga

- meditation

- karma

- Truths about the life and death

    Mostly in every Upanishads importance was given to worship of one god.


  1. Thank you sir for this question answers, we're waiting for it eagerly

    Thank you so much ��

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you sir for sending this chapter

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  5. Thanks.
    These questions are so helpful for me.
    As These all questions are so relatable to my studies and for my exam.
