Friday, January 8, 2021

Class 5 Moral Science Ch 9

 Q1. What do the Saints and sages of our courty say?

Ans. Saints and Sages of our country say that this whole world has been created by god and our body too is part of god. So we must pray mother nature and god to bless us for keeping this body healthy.

Q2. What effect do negative thoughts have on our body?

Ans. The negative thought start lessening our life energy, leading to weakness and illness.

Q3. What are the measures that we should adopt for being healthy and happy?

Ans. We must think positively and avoid Negative thoughts for beign healthy and happy.

Q4. What are the elements which have constituted our body?

Ans. Our body is constituted of earth, water, fire, wind and sky.

Q5. How and wherefrom does our life get the flow of life-energy?

Ans. If one appreciates oneself and gives one's best wishes to one's life, it enhances one's life energy by the grace of god and one remains always healthy and happy.

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