Wednesday, November 6, 2019

class6 his ch7

Q1. What is the law of karma taught by the upanishads?

Ans.- The law of karma says that present is the result of our past doings.

Q2. Explain the Triratna Principle preached by Mahavira.

Ans. -  The Principle of Triratna were-
                Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Action.

Q3. Who were Digambaras and Svetambaras?

Ans.- The Followers of Mahavira broke in two groups named as Digambaras and Svetambaras.
                Digambaras were following the teachings of Mahavira and did not wear Cloths.
                Svetambaras were wearing white cloths and worshiping Mahavira.

Q4. What were the two groups into which the Buddhists were divided? What was the basis of the split?

Ans.- Buddhist were divided into two groups- Hinayana and Mahayana.
                 Mahayana were worshiping the images of Buddha and performing rituals, where as Hinayana were following the teachings of Buddha to achieve nirvana.

Q5.Name four countries in Asia to which Buddhism has spread.

Ans.- China, Sri Lanka, Japan, Korea.

Answer in details:-

Q1 Describe the major principles of Jainism.

Ans.- The Major Principle of Jainism are as follows:-
                - Ahimsa or absolute Non-Violence
                - Honesty
                - Kindness
                - Truthfulness
                - Not to be in greed of things belonging to others.

Q2. Describe the Eight Fold Path Preached by Buddha to obtain Nirvana.

Ans.- The Eight fold path preached by Buddha to obtain nirvana are as follows:-
                1-  Right Understanding
                2-  Right Thought
                3-  Right Speech
                4-  Right Action
                5-  Right Livelihood
                6-  Right Effort
                7-  Right Mindfulness
                8-  Right Contemplation or Concentration

Q3. Write down any five Similarities between Jainism and Buddhism.

Ans.- Five Similarities between Jainism and Buddhism are:-
                - Both preached in the language of common People.
                - Promoted Non- Violence
                - Both were against Caste-System
                - Getting rid of desire
                - Equality
Q4. How did the Sanghas help in the spread of Buddhism and Jainism?

Ans.- The Sangha was the system of Monks and Nuns who were travelling around the countries to spread the teachings of Mahavira and Buddha. They had to follow rules of sangha. They were trained to attain enlightment.
                Sangha were playing important role in Spreading the teachings of Buddhism.