Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Class 6 Civ Ch 9 Ratna Sagar


Q1. Write five examples of people who organize their own work.

Ans. Five examples of people who organize their own work are-

                Ricksaw puller, Newspaper sellers, Cobblers, Florists, Vegetable vendors.

Q2. Why did Chhaggan come to the city?

Ans. Chhaggan came to city to earn so that he can fulfill needs of his family.

Q3. What kind of Shops and services can you find at the local market?

Ans. Groceries, Book Shops, Dairy shops, Vegetable shops, Barbers, Electronics and electrical, etc.

Q1. How is the government making the right to earn of street vendors easy?

Ans. The Government is relaxing the law that bans street vendors, so that their right to earn a livelihood is recognized. Government is also trying to provide special areas for them in the city and also be allowed to move about in all areas.

Q2. Who are casual labourers? Give Examples.

Ans. Casual Labourers are those who are not permanently employed by any company and haired according to need, so they have to search for job time to time.

Q3. What benefits does Chandni get as a permanent worker?

Ans. As a permanent worker Chandni gets following benefits-

-          Holidays which include Sunday and other national holidays.

-          Annual leave and medical leave.

-          Company pays her medical bills up to a certain amount also.

Q4. How do rural and urban communities differ on the basis of occupation?

Ans. Rural communities are basically dependent upon Agriculture and agriculture based activities and other services required by the people, like- Barber, Cobbler, Groceries shops, Agriculture equipments repairing shops, etc.

In Urban areas People are associated with different types of activities which includes production of Goods and services, like- Banking, insurance, education, health, transportation, administration, Industries, etc.

class 6 His Ch 12 Ratna Sagar


Short answer type Questions:-

Q1. What do you know about the Mahabharata?

Ans. The Mahabharata was an epic composed by Ved Vyasa. It is the story of the two set of cousins- The Kauravas and the Pandayas, who fought together.


Q2. List some of the temples built during the ancient Period.

Ans. Some temples build during the ancient period were-

-          Dasavatara Temple at Deogarh, Jhansi.

-          The Temple of Bhitargaon

-          The Cave Temples of Ajanta


Q3. Write a note on the progress made in the field of medicine during the ancient period.

Ans. Charaka and Sushruta were the two who work in ht field of Medicine, which could be known from the book Charak Samhita.


Q4. What is special about the Iron Pillar?

Ans. The Iron Pillar has a specialty of being rust free and no sign of corrosion have been observed, so it is also called ‘Rust Less Wonder’.


Long Answer Type:-


Q1. Why is Secular literature an important Source of History?

Ans. Secular literature is an important source of History because such text were free from biasness and gives detail information about social, Economic, Political condition and the court of rulers.

                So secular literature provide reliable information about the past.


Q2. What was common in the Structure of the temples construction during this period.

Ans. Common features of the Temples build in this period were as follows:-

                Garbhagriha- where the statue of the God/Goddess were kept.

                Shikhara or Vimana- It was a tower on top of garbhagriha.

                Mandapa- The area in front of the Garbhagriha to do the prayer/worship.


Q3. Write a note on painting in Gupta period.

Ans. Beautiful Paintings of Gupta period have been found on the walls of Ajanta Caves monasteries. These paintings were called ‘murals’. These paintings are related with the life of Buddha which was created with the help of colour made from natural material.


Q4. Discuss the progress made in the field of astronomy during the ancient period.

Ans. Aryabhata and Varahamihira were great mathematicians and astronomers. Aryabhata wrote the book Aryabhatiyam in Sanskrit according to which it was said that earth moves around the sun as well as on its axis and the rotation of earth on its axis caused day and night. He had also explained why and how the eclipses occur.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Class 6 His Chapter 11 Ratna Sagar


Short answer type question:-

Q1. What are the sources that tell us about the Gupta period?

Ans. The sources of Gupta period are as follows:-

Archeological source- Prayag Prashasti insriciption at Allahabad.

Literary sources- Text written by Kalidasa and travel account of Fa Hien and I-tsing.

Q2. What is a prashasti?

Ans. Prashasti means the text written in the praise of someone for his/her achievement.

Q3. List the military campaigns of Harsha.

Ans. Harsha conquered from Punjab and Rajasthan in west till Assam and Bengal in the east.

Q4. What were the main sources of revenue? How was this money spent?

Ans. The main source of revenue was the tax collected from agricultural and trade which was used for grants and donations and to maintain good administration and strong army.

Long Answer type questions:-

Q1. List the Conquests of Samudragupta as mentioned in the Allahabad Pillar Inscription.

Ans.- List of conquests of Samudragupta as mentioned in the Allahabad Pillar Inscription are as follows:-

-          Samudragupta conquered whole north India by defeating all small rulers. He also defeated rulers of Nepal, Assam and Bengal and allowed them to rule by paying annual tribute to him.

-          Samudragupta defeated 12 rulers of Deccan and south India but didn’t annex, returned to the rulers on the condition of paying annual tribute and accept him as their overlord.

-          Forest tribe of vindhya region were also defeated and had to pay annual tribute to King.

Q2. How do we know that Harsha was a patron of art and learning?

Ans. Harsha was a very good writer who wrote three plays in Sanskrit- Ratnawali, Priyadarshika and Nagananda. He had also given patronage to scholars, like- Banbhatta, Subandhu and Dandin which shows that he was a great patron of art and learning.

Q3. Who was Hiuen Tsang? What does he tell us about the life of the people?

Ans. Hiuen Tsang was a Chinese traveler who visited India during the rule of Harshavardhana.

According  to him people in this period were simple, Honest and very hospitable, Many people were vegetarians and avoided even onion and garlic. Rigid Caste System was present in society and  untouchables had to live outside the city.

Q4. What were the new developments in administration during the period discuss the merits and demerits of each.

Ans.   New development in administration during this period are as follows:-

-          Decentralisation of power:- Local officers were working independently. Local administration was strengthened.

-          Local Assemblies:- In Pallavas kingdom the Ur and the Sabha two local assemblies were established at local level to provide better governance.

-          Administrative Positions become hereditary and officers were paid in land grants instead of cash. Land grants transferred power in hand of officers and when rulers become weak then they established their independent kingdom.