Monday, August 17, 2020

Class 7 History Chapter 5 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer Type Questions:-

Q1. What has Babur described in Tuzuk-i Baburi?

Ans. In Tuzuk-i Baburi Babur has written about his life in details which includes the physical features, climate, animals, birds, flowers, fruits and the life of people and the places he visited.

Q2. List two problems that Humayun faced when he ascended the throne.

Ans. Two problems which Humanyun faced after ascending the throne are as follows:-
    - absence of a proper system of administration
    - Threat of attack from other kingdoms

Q3. How did Sher Shah encourage trade?

Ans. Sher Shar introduced new silver coin 'rupia', reduced custom duties and also build network of roads to encourage trade.

Q4. Write two steps taken by Akbar to gain the loyalty of Rajputs.

Ans. Two steps of Akbar to gain the loyalty of Rajputs are as follows-
    - He did not interfere in the internal matters of them.
    - He married with Rajput princess Jodha Bai and given religious freedom to her.

Q5. 'Jahangir continued with Akbar's policy of tolerance.' Justify the statement.

Ans. Jahangir continued with Akbar's policy of tolerance because-
    - He married into Rajput families
    - He had appointed Rajput chiefs to higher official posts
    - He did not interfere in the internal matters of Rajputs

Long Answer Type Questions:-

Q1. How did Babur secure his position in India?

Ans. Babur secured his position in India through three battles which are as follows-
    - In 1526 first battle of panipat was fought in which Babut defeated Ibrahim Lodi and gain control over Delhi and Agra.
    - In 1527 he fought battle of Khanua and defeated Rana Sanga of Mewar.
    - He also suppressed the Afgan chiefs in the battle of Ghaghara in 1529

Q2. Discuss the military campaigns of Shah Jahan.

Ans. The military campaigns of Shah Jahan are as follows:-
    - He suppressed the revolt of Bundela Rajputs
    - He invaded Deccan and annexed Ahmadnagar in 1633 AD
    - He also signed peace treaty with Bijapur and Golconda, according to which they had to pay annual tribute to Mughal King.
    - He sent his army to central Asia but fail to establish control over Kandhar.

Q3. Discuss the central and provincial administration of the Mughals.

Ans. In central administration of Mughals the King had absolute power, he was assisted by many officials which are as follows-
    - The Wazir- The Prime Minister
    - The Diwan- The head of revenue department
    - The Mir Bakshi- Looked after military
    - Tha Khan-i-saman- attending needs of royal households
    - The Sadr-i-sadur- keeping records of grants and donations
    - The Qqazi- The chief judge
Provincial administration was divided into several levels-
-  Provinces were called Suba and headed by Subadar.
- Provinces were divided into Sarkar
- Sarkar were divided into Paragana
- Each Paragana had many villages in it.
Q4. Why did Raja Todar Mal introduced a new measuring device for land measurement? What was that measuring device?

Ans. Raja Todar Mal introduced a new tool of measurement for accurate measurement of land, because earlier land was measured with rope, when the rope was dry it shrunk and in wet condition it was stretched, so it was not accurate. The new device was made of bamboo reeds joined together by iron rings, with it land was measured accurately

Q5. Write short notes on - Din-i-Ilahi, Zat and Sawar.

Ans. Din-i Ilahi- It was a religious path shown by Akbar, it was based on Divine Monotheism or believe in one god, the practice of worship the sun, fire and other source of light was important in it, with it Akbar discouraged customs like- Animals sacrifice and Sati practice.

Zat and Sawar- The Mughals introduced mansabdari system in their army. A mansabdar's rank was divided into two- Zat and Sawar. 
    Zat was the number of soldiers under him and Sawar was the number of horses they were expected to maintain.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Class 7 History Chapter 4 Ratna Sagar

Short Answer type Questions:-

Q1. Why did the later half of the reign of the Delhi Sultans witness the rise of regional kingdoms?

Ans. In the later half of the Delhi Sultanat the rulers were weak and fail to keep control over the kingdom and it broke into small regional kingdoms.

Q2. Who was the greatest ruler of Mewar? What did he do to make Mewar Strong?

Ans. Rana Sanga was the greatest ruler of Mewar who expended his kingdom to make it strong.

Q3. Who was Malik Sawar? How did he take advantage of Timur's invasion?

Ans. Malik Sawar was the ruler of Jaunpur. He took the advantage of Timur's invasion to declare himself independent and established Sharqi Dynasty.

Q4. Who were Harihara and Bukka?

Ans. Harihara and Bukka were the brothers who established and ruled over Vijaynagar empire.

Q5. Into how many sultanates was the Bahmani Kingdom split up? Why?

Ans. Bahmani dynasty rulers were weak and due to that governors of provinces declare their independence and kingdom split up into five parts.

Long Answer type Questions:-

Q1. Who was called the 'Akbar of Kashmir'? Why was he called so?

Ans. Zain-ul-Abidin was called the 'Akbar of Kashmir' because he had given patronage to education and learning, art and craft. He also encouraged agriculture and followed policy of religious tolerance.

Q2. How did Krishnadeva Raya make his kingdom powerful and prosperous?

Ans. Raja Krishnadeva Raya made his kingdom powerful and prosperous by extending it and also encouraged trade. 
    He had defeated The Bahmani sultan and the king of Odisha. He also annexed fertile Richure Doab and extended his kingdom to the whole South India.
    He established trade links with many European countries and paid attention to the growth of agriculture by building tanks, dams and canals for irrigation.

Q3. How did Firoz Shah Bahmani and Mahmud Gawan make Deccan an important center of learning? 

Ans. Firoz Shah Bahmani and Mahmud Gawan both were great patron to education and learning, their contribution in developing Deccan an important center of learning are as follows-
    Firoz Shah Bahmani encouraged learned men to migrate from different parts of the world to his court and contribute in the cultural development of Deccan.
    Mahmud Gawan contributed in the development of Urdu, many scholars from Persia came to his court. He had built a madrasah in Bidar were student from different parts of India and World were coming to study, it also had a great library with over three thousand manuscripts.

Q4. Write short notes on- Rajput Kingdoms of the period, administrative divisions of the Vijayanagar Empire.

Ans. Rajput Kingdoms:- In this period many Rajput rulers were ruling over Rajasthan region. Mewar and Marwar were the two important Rajput Kingdoms.
    The Rathors were ruling over Marwar. Maharaja Jodha and Maharaja Maldeva were the most powerful ruler of this kingdom.
    The Sisodia Rajputs ruled over Mewar. Rana Hamir and Rana Kumbha developed this Kingdom. Rana Sanga was the great ruler of this Kingdom.

Administrative division of the Vijaynagar Empire- The Vijaynagar Empire was divided in Mandalams (Provinces), each mandalams into nadus (Districts), nadus into sthalas (Sub-Districts) and sthalas into gramas(Villages).